Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Dozen Characteristics Essential for Entrepreneurs #3

#3) Able to Communicate
Entrepreneurs recognize that the most important part of any business is the human element. Human resources – whether in the form of clients, employees, or strategic partners – are what makes or breaks a business, and communication is the key to successful relationships with people. The entrepreneur works to hone communication skills, whether those are written, spoken, or non-verbal messages conveyed through body language. And to support communication, he or she will take advantage of all available tools and resources. Those might include foreign language or public speaking classes, computer and telecom technology, search engine optimization or neurolinguistic programming as it relates to sales and marketing, or specialized writing such as that needed for grants, business proposals, mission statements, or policy manuals. Above all, the entrepreneur develops a keen ability to listen and hear what others are trying to say, because the best communicators got that way by first being the best listeners.

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