Thursday, August 25, 2016

25 Habits That Prove You Were Born to Be an Entrepreneur #2

Here are more 25 habits that born-to-be entrepreneurs can’t help but show. How many do you possess?

26. You effectively delegate tasks and assign resources. In household chores and business operations alike.
27. You set deadlines for yourself. No excuses.
28. You like telling stories. You love to tell people about your experiences.
29. You’re hyper competitive. You can’t even play a board game without flipping that switch.
30. You get involved with things. If you see a car on the side of the road, you get out and ask if you can help.
31. You cut out things in your life that don’t work for you. If it’s inefficient or bothersome, it’s gone.
32. You negotiate whatever you can. Flea markets and salaries are just the beginning.
33. You see the potential in people. You don’t see people for who they are. You see them for who they could be.
34. You’re calm in a crisis. When stuff hits the fan, you still think logically.
35. You follow up with people when you want something. You don’t let opportunities go.
36. You avoid things that waste your time. You’re immune to mobile games and idle social-media time.
37. You persuade people to your side. You’re a natural rhetorician.
38. You make rational decisions, not emotional ones. For the most part, you trust your logic over your emotions.
39. You don’t forget people’s emotions. Still, there’s great sympathy in you.
40. You lose track of time when pursuing passion projects. Time seems to fly when you’re heads-down working on something.
41. You frequently start new passion projects. Every week, a new idea is transformed into a hobby.
42. You constantly upgrade your house (or car or anything). There’s always something to tinker with, replace or improve.
43. You’re crazy about new technology. You’re addicted to learning how new technologies can improve your life.
44. You read the news every day. It’s an ingrained habit.
45. You read books voraciously. Every book offers something new.
46. You listen to that internal voice. You trust your instincts.
47. You listen to others’ advice. You make your own decisions, but listen to others’ opinions too.
48. You don’t dwell in the past. When bad things happen, you keep moving forward.
49. You make sacrifices for what you want. You know you have to give things up to see greater success.
50. You never write off your dreams. You take your aspirations seriously. They’re a part of you.

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